Friday, November 6, 2009

Projo List Fetish Called Out

It was great to see another voice of the people call out the Projo on their obsession with the lists generated by the tax foundation.    Scott Wolf wrote this yesterday:

To those convinced that Rhode Island's low rankings should be our overriding economic-development focus, my findings might be jaw-dropping. For example, if a high business climate ranking alone were a sure ticket to economic success, why would Nevada, the 4th best business-climate state in America (according to the Tax Foundation), have the nation's second-highest unemployment rate (even higher than Rhode Island's), and why would the best business-climate state, South Dakota, have the 16th highest poverty rate, considerably worse than ours, and a per-capita income significantly lower than ours? And why would the states with the three worst ranked climates — New Jersey, New York and California — have respectively the 2nd, 4th and 7th highest per-capita incomes among the 50 states?

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