Saturday, October 31, 2009

Mission Statement

Every day there is another attack. Every day there is more editorializing in what are supposed to be news stories. Everyday there is a story of struggle that is missed, over looked, and ignored.

Enough is enough!

The Providence Journal, the only statewide newspaper in Rhode Island, is failing the working people of this state with its bias against organized labor. It is time the working people of Rhode Island expose the ProJo for what it is: a tool of Rhode Island’s corporate elite who use any means at their disposal to crush unions, distort the truth, and keep working class people in their place.

The blog is for people who refuse to be kept in their place!

We will regularly post stories that show the bias and lack of balance on the editorial pages and reporting of the Providence Journal. If you have something to say or a story that should be exposed, please email the editor at .